How to stop hair thinning and hair fall

Hair fall and hair thinning is a major problem for people of all ages.  People of all ages face these problems.  Hair loss or thinning is not limited to people of a certain age, but everyone can suffer from it. There is no single solution that will work perfectly for your hair.  A variety of solutions are sought to prevent them from thinning, including many.

If we do a little research, we will find that a large part of people notice that hair loss visits them every year along with the first rains, when autumn takes its first “steps”. Indeed, in the autumn months, there is an increased loss of hair, which exceeds the normal levels of shedding. If you have shown signs of hair loss, first of all, a visit to your dermatologist is necessary. At the dermatology clinic, you are likely to be asked some questions that will help the doctor understand if it is indeed hair loss, before proceeding with a clinical examination.

 In this article we will provide you with all the information that can reduce your hair loss, thin hair can become thicker, new hair starts to grow thicker automatically, and hair loss.  The causes will be told, their treatment will be told and some preventions will also be discussed.  We will do our best to make all this information very useful for you, so let’s get started.

Causes of Hair Thinning and Hair fall

The life cycle of hair

In a study published some years ago in the journal Dermatology, scientists submitted very interesting conclusions that formed a bio-evolutionary theory around the subject of hair loss. They found that women did indeed lose more hair during the fall.. Hair cells are the second fastest-growing cells in the body, after those in the bone marrow. A human hair lives two to six years. On our head, 90% of our hair is growing, while the remaining 10% is in a resting state, known as the telogen stage, which lasts for two to six months before the hair finally falls out. After shedding, the hair follicle remains inactive for three months, until the process begins again and a new life cycle begins.

Swedish researchers found that most women had the highest percentage of telogen hair in July. About 100 days later (around October) this stage was completed and that’s why their hair fell out. This time planning is considered by scientists to result from the fact that the body itself keeps the hair at rest in the summer, i.e. it does not “allow” it to fall and in this way, it protects the head from the sun’s rays. After the 100 or so days that the hair acts as a shield against the intense summer sun, it falls out. What are the causes of hair loss?


The first reason for this is genetics. Genetics is a major cause of hair thinning and hair fall. If your family also has hair fall problems even in one of your parents then it will convert into you genetically. Sometimes it would stop in the generation gap and then start again.

over-treating hair:

When you are constantly experimenting with new products, shampoos and conditioners, and many capsules that you use on your hair.  If you try new things, your hair will be damaged, the hair follicles will become very weak, due to which your hair will start falling out and your hair will become thinner. Also, there are perms.  When you apply all these things to your hair, your hair gets very damaged.

hormonal changes

The next reason can be hormonal changes. Changes in hormones cause hair fall.  Makes the hair thinner. The hormonal disturbance that occurs in women at the time of childbirth also causes hair loss or hair fall.  In addition, aging hair tends to fall out as they age and hormonal changes occur in their bodies as they age. DHT also triggers hair follicles and hair growth and also reduces hair thinning and hair fall.

Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, i.e. the production of more or less hormones than normal can cause hormonal imbalance. Hormones produced by the thyroid gland help regulate almost all body functions, including hair growth. Controlling the thyroid with the right treatment can bring hormones under control, prevent hair loss, and restore hair growth.

Stress to hair thinning and hair fall:

The next reason is stress. Stress can’t be controlled by you and what you can’t manage is the biggest cause of your hair fall.  They happen when they are under a lot of anxiety and stress and are fighting an anxiety battle.  Stress can be either physiological or psychological. Physiological stress is short-lived and causes hair loss very quickly. Psychological stress is very difficult to deal with and causes hair loss.  To reduce stress, you should improve your lifestyle. You should give your lifestyle an art because of which you can deal with stress.

Lack of nutrients:

The most important factor is the change in lifestyle and diet. Deprivation of certain essential valuable components resulting from the diet, which is often wrong in terms of quality and variety, causes the hair to weaken and therefore fall to a greater extent. Then we usually start looking for pathogenic causes and answer to medical tests. It is good to keep in mind that diet and lifestyle are vital for what happens in our bodies. Fortunately, this condition is generally reversible, and adopting healthier, less restrictive eating habits will allow your hair to grow back.

The next reason is a lack of proper nutrients. Although your hair  They are mostly made up of protein. We can say that hair is protein but still, it needs many vitamins and other nutrients to maintain it and to grow it.  To keep from falling. It contains zinc, iron, and folic acid. These three nutrients are very important for your hair. In addition, your body needs a lot of vitamins, including vitamin D, and vitamin  B12, and minerals for hair growth and maintenance, such as selenium, are essential for hair growth and hair loss prevention.  The body and your hair need it. If you don’t use the same or those nutrients, your hair starts falling out.


At the same time, our psychology plays, as always, a very important role. Stress, which is the cause of many psychosomatic problems that arise in our daily lives, also contributes to hair loss. When the body undergoes severe physical stress, such as in a serious accident, the hair follicles can go into shock. Also, emotional stress can lead to hair loss. When faced with a life-changing event, great emotional stress can disrupt the normal hair growth cycle. Stress hormones prolong the resting phase of hair follicles, causing the hairs to loosen from their position and fall out.

Thyroid Disorder:

Another reason could be thyroid disorder. The thyroid gland maintains the body’s growth.  Any change or misalignment of these glands leads to hair loss. They are also helpful in maintaining your body tissues.  Extends Hair Hair that becomes weak or begins to fall out due to thyroid issues can be extended.


The next reason is medication. Many medications also cause hair loss.  Chemotherapy is the best example of this. Chemotherapy also causes your hair to fall out a lot. Also, using many drugs also causes you to lose your hair and then suffer from hair fall. In addition, the medicines you use to control many of your illnesses also cause hair fall, and the medicines you use to reduce depression also cause hair loss.  Decreasing can also be a cause of loss.  Even when you lose a lot of weight, your body becomes weak and it causes disease. When your health deteriorates, your hair starts falling out. However, wake up.


Your parents’ genes play a very important role and may be responsible for your thinning hair. Both men and women experience this type of hair loss. Regardless of whether it develops in men or women, the medical term is androgenetic alopecia, which is also known as MPB (male-pattern baldness). The genes you inherited cause your hair follicles, where hair grows, to shrink and eventually stop growing hair. When a man has hereditary hair loss, the first sign is often a receding hairline on the front of the head or a bald spot on the top of the head. In women, the first sign of hereditary hair loss is usually total thinning or widening of the parting.

Weight loss causes hair thinning:

Hair loss can occur when you lose a lot of weight. Hair loss also occurs when too many nutrients in your hair are lost to your scalp.  Instead of going, more goes to other parts of your body, which means your body delivers more of your nutrients to those thoughts that are more important for survival.


Whether you have androgenetic alopecia or not, thinning and hair loss is a normal part of aging for everyone. This does not mean that you will lose all your hair as a result of aging. But as hormones in the body change with age, the natural rate of hair growth slows down and the number of hairs on your head will decrease. Women experience it too, and it’s one reason you’ll notice a lot of older women with thinning hair, especially after menopause.

Skin infection causes hair fall:

The next reason can be skin infection. Infection too.  May cause hair loss.  There are many infections in your skin that cause your hair to fall, as can dandruff. Dandruff per infection.


Major hormonal changes such as pregnancy, lactation, menstrual disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome, and menopause can cause severe hair loss, which is reversible in most cases. Hormonal imbalances that occur after pregnancy and childbirth can cause hair loss.

Treatment for Hair Thinning and Hair fall

The first thing for hair treatment is to care.  Appreciate your hair. Don’t do too much straightening. If your hair is straight, don’t try to straighten it.  Hair becomes damaged, by using all these things, the healthy hair that you naturally burn starts to get damaged, and then hair fall occurs.

Care for your hair. Provide relaxation to your hair roots. Dry your hair differently over time. Do not rub your hair with too much towel.  Try drying them in different ways. You can put a shaped towel on top of your head and wrap your hair inside it.

After that, you apply cleaning things on your hair and use hair grooming products. The protein mask is the most important in this. In addition, oil is also very important. It is very important to buy products.  Be very careful and choose your hair products very wisely. Get products that suit your hair.

It is very beneficial for you to use your home remedies. Home remedies are free from many harsh chemicals and have no side effects. Apart from this, you can also make a mask of it and apply it.  If you suffer from hair fall, you should immediately stop using coloring products.

Also, stop using too many heating rollers. Do not use harsh material pillows, which are made of rough material, use soft pillows. Also, avoid excessive sun exposure. Cover your hair when you go out.

If you have a habit of smoking, avoid it. Smoking reduces the blood circulation to reach your hair, which leads to hair fall.

Prevention of Hair Thinning and Hair fall

Eating a healthy diet:

For hair thinning and hair fall you should add healthy food to your diet. Nutritional food not only improves your health quality but also improves your overall health.

Getting enough sleep:

Getting enough sleep is very important to stop hair loss. 7-8 hours sleep in 24 hours.

Managing stress:

Stress causes the leading effect on your hair fall. Manage stress with yoga and other relaxation activities. Add fun activities in your life make sure that it will reduce the effect of stress.

Using hair care products gently:

Avoid chemical products and medicine which is harmful to your hair.

Protecting your hair from the sun:

Sometimes the heat of the sun also damages your hair. So if you go outdoors then cover your hair with a scarf.

Natural Remedies for Hair Thinning and Hair fall/loss

Essential oils:

Using oils to stop hair falling. Oils are very useful for hair thickening. Many oils are available and you can prepare them at home, kalonji oil, sunflower oil, fanugreek oil, and many more.

Scalp massage:

Scalp massage are also useful to stop hair thinning and hair fall.


Zinc and trace minerals, vitamin D. biotin, and protein these supplements are essential for hair growth and to stop hair loss.

Rosemary oil:

Rosemary oil is a great product that helps reduce DHT promote hair growth and reduce hair thinning and hair fall.


When your hair continues to fall in small amounts, we call it hair thinning.  You don’t suffer from baldness when your hair is thin. But many parts of your head start to become bare in the middle when your hair is thin and falls out a lot.

Many other treatments are very useful for your hair. It should manage stress, protect from the sun, and use a healthy diet.

Hair fall is itself stress-causing. If you have a serious hair problem then you should contact with doctor and dermatologist. Your doctor can recommend you the best treatment which is very useful for hair.

Take care of yourself

Good Fortune

Education:MSC Applied Psychology Expertise:Daisy is a beauty and lifestyle writer specializing in hair care and has written over 80 articles in these niches.

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