Does Humidity Cause Hair Loss? Exploring the Facts 2024

When looking at hair fall, the first question that comes to your mind is why hair falls due to humidity. While moisture is essential for hair, then why does hair fall due to humidity?

Humidity is present in our environment because humidity is part of our climate. Humidity is most prominent in hot and humid months or tropical regions. Sometimes humidity disturbs our comfort.

But the question remains, does humidity cause hair loss? In this article, we will attempt to figure out reality. Try to find out how moisture interacts with hair and whether it is a threat to your hair’s health or not.

Understanding Humidity and Hair

Hair contains a lot of protein. If these protein molecules are broken, hair starts to fall. Dampness alludes to how much dampness is in the air.  That’s why proper binding of these protein molecules is significant for hair. when it comes to humidity, the moisture in the air disrupts the way these protein molecules bind together.  It varies by climate and geographical location. The breakdown of hydrogen bonds and protein molecules in the water causes the hair to become frizzy. When the hair dries, it does not feel silky and straight.

Does hair loss increase during humid weather?

Yes, Human hair is sensitive. Although humidity damages hair, we have no direct evidence to link humidity to hair loss, but hair loss known as alopecia can have many causes such as hormonal changes, physical conditions, lifestyle factors, humidity, hair texture, etc.,

 Humidity does not directly contribute to hair loss in terms of damaging the hair follicles or accelerating hair loss. Humidity does not directly, but indirectly affect the hair, For example, scalp infections, If the humidity causes infection in the scalp, it can create an unhealthy environment for the hair follicles. If your scalp is not healthy, it is impossible to grow healthy hair on the scalp. Hair breakage is also caused by humidity, which causes hair to become thinning. If your hair becomes frizzy, its frustration can also increase stress levels, which leads to hair loss.

Why do you need to hydrate yourselves when the humidity is so high outside?

Even though there is a lot of humidity in the air during the monsoon season, we still need to keep our bodies hydrated. If chickpeas are kept in water, they swell because they are dry from the inside.  In the same way, if our hair is dry from the inside, then due to the high humidity on the outside, the hair will start absorbing water and swell.  And the hair becomes frizzy. That’s why it’s important to balance the water inside and outside of hair.

 Humidity affects curly hair

If you look at curly hair, it dries out faster than straight hair. Because it is difficult for the moisture and natural oils in our scalp to reach the ends of the hair because the hair is curled.  During this time, frizzy hair absorbs moisture from the air, which causes it to swell and increase fizziness. If you tangle your curly hair too much, it creates knots that are very difficult to untangle. When the hair gets too tangled, it starts to break.

Trouble in Styling. In humidity conditions, it tries to keep up haircuts with wavy hair. Hair Styles like wind-outs, twist-outs, or wash-and-go schedules may not hold, and the hair might return to its normal surface all the more rapidly.

Protect hair from humidity naturally

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera is very beneficial for keeping the hair hydrated. You can use pure aloe vera gel or buy it from the market, both are very beneficial.  Aloe vera gel prevents hair fall. Aloe vera gel is very helpful in creating a protective barrier against humidity. Due to this, your hair stays calm and avoids falling.

Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse

Apple cider vinegar is very helpful in keeping hair moisturized. Apple cider vinegar can be mixed with water to reduce frizz. Use apple cider vinegar when:  After washing the hair thoroughly with shampoo and applying conditioner, this prevents frizziness and reduces hair breakage

Natural Oils are a protective barrier against humidity

Many oils make hair beautiful, long, thick, and strong. Coconut oil, argan oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, etc. can be used during moisturizing.  Take any one of these oils and massage your hair and scalp thoroughly. Massage will soothe your hair and prevent your scalp from drying out.  Keeps hair from falling.  Argan oil can be applied to both wet and dry hair, which adds shine to the hair.

Avoid Heat Styling

Any new procedure should be considered during the monsoon season when the humidity increases.  Do not apply to your hair. Especially do not use heat styling tools at all. Due to these tools, your hair becomes more prone to dryness, which increases the risk of hair breakage and hair fall. Such tools

Hydrating Hair Masks

Use a hair mask that protects your hair from dryness rather than adding to it.  Make it strong. Yogurt and banana masks are very beneficial in hair masks. Apart from this, avocado masks are also very beneficial for hair. Take avocado mash it well add olive oil or any carrier oil then make a mask and apply it well on your hair, protects your hair from humidity. Also using coconut milk is very beneficial.  Coconut milk creates moisture in the hair, in addition, the use of egg is useful for the hair. Mixing egg and curd on the hair gives useful results.

Stay Hydrated

Consume more water to provide it. The more water you drink, the more moisture your body will be able to retain. This will not only improve the health of your hair but also your overall health.  Your kidneys are not damaged by drinking water. If you drink less water in the summer season, your hair becomes dry and prone to breakage.

Regular Trimming

Hair should be trimmed regularly. Hair can be trimmed after eight to 12 weeks. Because if the hair is even a little split, it damages the entire hair. Therefore, hair should be trimmed to prevent hair damage. 

Protective Hairstyles

Avoid creating hairstyles that do not cause tension in your hair. Using too-tight ponytails can damage your hair.  Avoid using rubber hair bands at all. Cloth hair bands are very beneficial.

Silk or Satin Pillowcases

Avoid using a cotton pillowcase as it traps moisture from the hair. Silk pillowcases are better.

Use Wooden comb

Using a wooden comb is very beneficial for hair. Plastic combs cause tangles and it also improves your scalp.


Although humidity can affect the structure of the hair, it does not necessarily cause hair loss, but it can cause many other problems that lead to hair loss, which we have discussed in the article above.  Done. Use good products, good styling tools, and the best ingredients to make your hair beautiful.

Yom Rati affects both the hair and the scalp, but you should also take care of your ingredients.  Your body must struggle to retain moisture.  Remember, healthy hair starts with care. When you take good care of your hair, it doesn’t matter what the weather is around you. Instead of looking at the weather, look at your hair.  Take care in such a way that they are healthy. This reduces the risk of hair loss.

People ask question

Which countries are most hot, humid, and tropical for hair fall?

several countries are known for their hot humid and tropical climate. Southeast Asia Thailand Indonesia Malaysia Sri Lanka Bangladesh India Brazil Columbia Congo Nigeria Africa Central and South America

How to protect hair from humidity naturally?

Use hydrating covers with fixings like avocado or coconut milk.
Apply regular oils like argan or jojoba to tame frizz.
Wash with weakened apple juice vinegar to seal the hair’s fingernail skin.

How to stop hair fall in humid weather?

Keep hair and scalp clean to forestall development. Utilize frizz items to oversee hair surface.
Stay away from successive contacting or styling to limit breakage.

How can managing our hair affect these effects?

Hydration, protective styling, product selection, gentle handling regular care.

Is humidity generally good for hairs?

No, because humidity causes many problems like frizz, flatness, and scalp problems, and it also week the hydrogen bond between hairs protein molecules and water.

Take care of yourself

Good luck

Education:MSC Applied Psychology Expertise:Daisy is a beauty and lifestyle writer specializing in hair care and has written over 80 articles in these niches.

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